For people in need of Hope, Comfort, Encouragement
Hope: The prayer of faith is to place my confidence not in a particular result,
but in the character of the One who heals. The results are up to Him.
Comfort: God may be invisible, but He is in touch. You may not be able to see Him, but He is in control.
Encouragement: This blanket was handmade especially for you along with prayers that God will keep you in his care.
All blankets are handmade and prayed over by the women of the fellowship and then given to those in need of Hope, Comfort and Encouragement. Our blankets travel to all parts of the world and are given to those ranging from babies to adults. This is a wonderful ministry tool for sharing God’s love and hope.
Donations of fleece, yarn and fabric are always appreciated and will be used to make blankets. We also accept completed blankets that have been, knit, crotched, sewn or fleece tie blankets. All donations can be dropped off at the church.
If you wish to request a blanket for someone in need you can do so by emailing the office at for a blanket request form.
Blanket of Love Ministry Coordinator: Normie Azevedo