When We Meet

Sunday Worship Service

  • Our Sunday Morning Services are held at 10:00 am every week.
  • Main Service meets in the Sanctuary.
  • Jr. and Sr. High School meet in the Sanctuary.
  • Primary Age Children have Sunday School in their room next to the Sanctuary.
  • Toddlers, Infants and Babies can be put in the Nursery.

Our Sunday Service consists of three equal components that are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to move with freedom within the Body of Christ. We strive to create an atmosphere where the Body can enter into the presence of the Lord through Praise and Worship. Our worship could be described as somewhat contemporary with a balance of songs written within the last 25 years. We occasionally sing traditional hymns within the confines of a four-piece band setting.

The instructional part of the service is a blend of traditional preaching as well as teaching directly from the text. We typically teach through an entire book of the bible, precept upon precept and close every service with a challenge to respond to the Lord for repentance and personal development.
P.F.C. is a small to medium size fellowship (ok small) that allows for a time of sharing personal testimonies, prayer requests and updates within the service. We understand that this is not for everyone but we see more people participating in this part of the service with great regularity. Sharing allows for the people to be transparent with the Lord and the body. Some of the most valuable instruction comes from within the people of the body of Christ.
Senior Pastor: Greg Davis

Wednesday Bible Study

  • Wednesday Evening Service is held at 6:30 pm.
  • The Main Service is held in the Sanctuary.

Wednesday nights are all about discussion! We believe that God’s people want to speak out and share so we have designed a study that is both fun and interactive. We use multiple translations for a broad understanding and we encourage people to read the text publicly and share what they believe to be the meaning. This is very insightful and sparks some great discussions and questions within the group. We encourage new church members to attend this study because of the format and the intimacy. Sound intimidating? Don’t sweat it you can do it!

Senior Pastor: Greg Davis